
story of
the week

A Small Gust Out of New York City

New York City

It’s been nearly 10 years since the Supreme Court made two of the most important Second Amendment decisions of our lifetimes. Since that time, though, the highest court in the land has been deafeningly silent on gun rights. Gun ban after gun ban, infringement after infringement, the Second Amendment was declawed and defanged by judicial activists and rogue courts across the country, and the right to keep and bear arms was all but stolen from millions of American citizens.

NYC Intersection
Downtown NYC


The disenfranchised looked to the Supreme Court for a constitutionally mandated check on legislative deviousness, but the justices averted their gaze, allowing the people, defenseless, to press on.

Emboldened by the inaction of the court, prominent anti-gun activists used national tragedies as catalysts to create the Disarm America Movement—a movement that would punish law-abiding gun owners and allow only the government and the criminals to be armed.

Bloomberg-funded groups and political lackeys began to lay the blueprints to destroy the Second Amendment at the feet of anti-gun legislatures and judicial activists. Lawmakers passed unconstitutional laws, appeals courts ignored the infractions, and executive branches implemented things such as waiting periods, limits on magazine capacity, monthly firearm-purchase limits, background checks on ammunition, red flag laws—all part of a larger strategy that would disarm the American people and subjugate them to an increasingly powerful and overbearing government.

The NRA and its members worked tirelessly to elect President Donald Trump—someone who would respect the people’s right to keep and bear arms, someone who could alter the ideological tilt of the Supreme Court and ultimately restore the Second Amendment to its rightful place.

American Flag


But just as pro-gun advocates thought they were making headway in the gun debate, the blue wave crashed into the Capitol after the 2018 midterm elections, and before the legislative session had even begun, anti-gun politicians pre-filed hundreds of proposed gun control bills.

Hope seemed lost, and it was only a matter of time before gun rights were taken away at the federal level. After all, the Supreme Court was willfully blind to unconstitutional gun laws and had treated the Second Amendment as a second-class right for 10 years. The mainstream media spread deceit and lies, declaring that the NRA was on the ropes and would be bankrupt in only a matter of time.

Gun control was here, and there was no one to stop it.

In the background, though, President Trump was hard at work, seeing to the nomination and confirmation of judges all over the country, filling vacant judicial seats with true constitutionalists, both in the Supreme Courts and the lower courts. The NRA was working diligently with pro-gun groups all over the country, preparing for the chance to present a Second Amendment case to the now pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court.

The board was set, and the pieces began to move, setting the stage for a reinvigorated push to restore our long-lost gun rights.

Supreme Court
The board was set, and the pieces began to move, setting the stage for a reinvigorated push to restore our long-lost gun rights.

News broke last week that Supreme Court had decided it would hear a Second Amendment case for the first time in nearly a decade. Backed by the NRA and the New York Rifle & Pistol Association, pro-gun attorneys and Second Amendment advocates are gearing up to usher in a change in the political climate. Little did the Disarm America Movement know, but the rumors of the NRA’s demise were greatly exaggerated. The NRA remains as strong as it has ever been and is priming the pump to flex its political muscles.

The case in question is a narrow case out of New York City—one that involves transportation of firearms from one’s home to another location. The law is the only one of its kind in the entire country, which would give the impression that this would be merely a mild victory for the pro-gun movement. This case, though, has been strategically selected, as a ruling in favor of New York gun owners would not only benefit gun owners in the Five Boroughs, but it would set off a chain reaction of rendering bunk decisions on cases regarding the right to bear arms all over the country.

Second Amendment attorney and president of the California Rifle & Pistol Association Chuck Michel predicts that the precedent set in this case could very well “knock out a few California laws” from the books, referring specifically to the case of Peruta v. San Diego County. Stephen Halbrook, a Second Amendment attorney and scholar from Virginia who argued the Heller case in front of the Supreme Court, said the New York City case is a “perfect storm” for gun rights, adding to Michel’s position that the case could land a damaging blow to the anti-gun movement.

Make no mistake, our gun rights are absolutely at stake. Nancy Pelosi, Michael Bloomberg, and the lot are working through the night, ginning up the next piece of anti-gun legislation that will put legal gun owners in jeopardy. Indeed, we are on the cusp of ultimate disarmament and are staring down an administration in 2020 with veto-proof control.

But the NRA is ready for the fight.

The Supreme Court is set to fire back at the Disarm America Movement’s war on guns and gun ownership.

The winds of change are being ushered in by a small gust of wind out of New York City, and we’re just getting started.

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