Never in the 147-year history of the National Rifle Association has the Second Amendment been in more danger than it is right now.
Anti-gun hysteria has spread like wildfire across the entire country.
In city after city, protesters have taken to the streets demanding sweeping gun bans and even gun confiscation.
The NRA is being branded a "terrorist organization" on a daily basis.
And in the United States Congress, anti-gun politicians are putting the finishing touches on a legislative plan that will completely gut the Second Amendment.
Their scheme includes national gun-owner licensing and registration, background checks for ammo purchases, a new 20% tax on firearms, a new 50% tax on ammo, and a virtual umbrella BAN on semi-automatic firearms.
If we lose this year's elections and a gun-ban majority seizes control of the U.S. House and Senate, this anti-gun legislative attack is going to be the first order of business on the first day of the next Congress.
That's why I'm asking you to sign our NRA-ILA Petition to Congress right now.
Your signature on this petition is a clear message to politicians in Washington that you WILL NOT give up your guns without a fight.
When you sign this petition today, you're telling elected officials in Congress that if they support H.R. 5087 - a bill that would outlaw virtually every semi-automatic firearm in America - you'll fight tooth and nail to defeat them this November.
You're putting Congressmen and Senators on notice that if they support S. 2627 - a bill that would force you to submit to a background check every time you buy a box of hunting ammo or shotgun shells - you're going to do whatever it takes to send them down to defeat on Election Day.
And you're making it clear to every Washington politician that if they take even one small step toward gun registration, licensing, rationing, or new firearm and ammo taxes, you're going to work with NRA-ILA to end their political career.
In short, your signed petition is a personal declaration of your iron-clad commitment to the Second Amendment - and your right to protect your life, your home, and the people you love.
Because that's what the Second Amendment is all about.
And that's what your petition is all about - sending a loud and clear message that any politician trying to take away our God-given freedom is going to have to go through a wall of NRA members on Election Day.
So please, sign your petition right now.
And when you do, please also make a generous contribution to NRA-ILA in the amount of $26, $38, $52, or even $100 if you can.
You know what we're up against right now. You've seen the marches. You've seen the hate-filled messages on TV. I'm sure you understand why NRA-ILA can't win this election without your help.
Michael Bloomberg is spending tens of millions of dollars to propagandize the American people, blame law-abiding citizens for the acts of the most heinous criminals, register millions of new anti-gun voters, and then turn them out to the polls this November.
Elitist hypocrites like Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney are aiding and abetting the gun-hating radical fringe - using their celebrity and wealth to spread lie after lie about our freedom.
The media has dropped all pretense of fairness. They are 100% committed to a non-stop, all-out-war on the NRA, and a total gun-ban takeover of Congress in this year's elections.
That's why, when you sign your petition, I need you to make an extra-generous contribution of $26, $38, $52, or more to NRA-ILA today.
Only with your support right now can we counter this unprecedented campaign of hatred, lies, and propaganda. Only with your financial leadership today can we rally America's 100 million gun owners to the polls to save our freedom this November.
If we don't get our NRA-ILA message to voters this year, nobody else can or will. Every TV ad we don't run is another victory for the hypocrites who want to take our guns away. Every stack of postcards we don't mail is another precinct full of voters who won't know where their candidates really stand.
Every dollar counts. Every contribution makes a difference. We have barely three months to get the job done. And if we fall short, we're going to lose our guns.
The gun-ban campaign machine has never been more well-funded than it is today. They've never had more volunteers than they do right now. And they've never had the media's total commitment like they do in this election year.
You, me and our fellow NRA members are the only ones who can stand in their way. But I need your help - your signed petition and your immediate and generous financial support - as soon as possible.
Since our nation's founding, ordinary Americans like you and me have banded together to achieve extraordinary victories for freedom's cause. I believe with all my heart that if you and I can win this election together, we will have achieved a landmark victory for freedom that will be remembered for decades and generations to come.
So please, let me hear from you now. And thank you in advance for standing tall with NRA-ILA at this pivotal moment in the history of American freedom.
Chris W. Cox
Executive Director