December 2019
During this busy holiday season I hope you find time to relax, enjoy friends and family, and reflect on the blessings of this year. NRA Women are among the most tireless Second Amendment advocates, and because of you, we have a long list of accomplishments to be thankful for. Our spring Luncheon & Auction was a huge success, the new NRA Women booth was a phenomenal hit, and the NRA Women car was spotted from coast to coast! Nearly a third of this year's fall Summit attendees were new-comers, which is a testament to all of you who helped increase our influence and continue to make NRA Women a welcome place for all Second Amendment ladies! Enjoy this special time of year with your loved ones, and know that you are a special part of the NRA family, and we are so grateful for you.
Meet Hunter Who Stands Up To
Those Call Her ‘Murderer' |
America’s hunters are increasingly under fire by political extremists. Hunter and philanthropic consultant Britt Longoria has been at the center of an online hate campaign by animal rights extremists who don’t understand where their food comes from, and who show little understanding of what it’s like to actually hunt. The experience caused Longoria, who had previously kept her passion for hunting private, to open up and share her story. Read More
First Elk for a First Lady with
NRA Board Member Kristy Titus |
More women are heading afield each year to experience the thrill of hunting because of bold women that have taken the lead in redefining who a hunter is. Join Kristy Titus and the First Lady of Indiana, Janet Holcomb in this episode of Pursue The Wild, where they head afield in the mile high state of Colorado in pursuit of elk. Read More
A Life Changing Call Written by Kathy Borucki
Western Wayne County Conservation Association in Michigan has received NRA Foundation grants of ammunition, safety equipment and targets used for Women's Sport Shooting shotgun and handgun programs. The programs help support women in continuing their training and encourage new shooters to gain the necessary training to handle a firearm with confidence. Here, one participant shares her personal story about the impact of this firearms training on her life. Read More
NRA Pivotal in Cracking Pennsylvania's Sunday Hunting Ban
Written by Erin C. Healy
If you want to know what the National Rifle Association does for hunting, look no further than what has been transpiring over the last year in Pennsylvania over legalizing Sunday hunting. Today, Keystone State Governor Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 147 into law, allowing for hunting on three Sundays: one during archery season, one at the start of rifle and one to be determined by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Read More
Christmas Time is Here. A Reminder on Buying and Selling Firearms Through Private Sales
Written by Outdoor Hub |
Continuing with our series on buying and selling firearms, in this article we are going to talk about private sales. In our last post, we explained FFLs and background checks, so we already covered how buying firearms from a gun shop works, but what about private sales? Read More
NRA Stocking Stuffers |
Continuing with our series on buying and selling firearms, this article talks about private sales. Our last post covered how buying firearms from a gun shop works with FFLs and background checks, but what happens when purchasing privately? That's why the NRAstore assembled an entire department of products specially selected specifically to meet your Christmas stockings needs. Read More
Sign Up Today for the 2020
WLF Luncheon & Auction
Be part of this unforgettable gathering of like–minded women as we celebrate the sisterhood we share, hear from impactful speakers, participate in thrilling live and silent auctions, and raise funds essential to strengthening the NRA's fight to protect our freedom. Read More
NRA Membership for Women
Your membership is extremely important to the NRA and is highly valued. In fact, it is one of the most important aspects of today's NRA. Women come to the NRA from all walks of life, with a variety of interests and backgrounds, and serve as members, lobbyists, club officers, board members, committee members, instructors, competitors, hunters, shooters, volunteers, patriots and NRA presidents. It would be an honor and our pleasure to have you join us as a member of the National Rifle Association. Read More
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