SEPTEMBER 2024 | #ISSUE 146 |
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Wounded homeowner arms himself against intruder and ends the threat |
StarNews Online (Wilmington, NC)
A critically injured homeowner in Wilmington, N.C., returned fire against an armed intruder at his front door, saving his own life and the life of his wife. The homeowner was awakened at about 3 a.m. by the ringing of his front doorbell and pounding on the door. The homeowner was critically wounded after he opened the door, and the suspect immediately opened fire on him. The homeowner’s wife attempted to shut the front door as their attacker tried to force his way in. During the struggle, the wounded homeowner grabbed his gun and fired once… Continue reading »
Grizzly shot after charging at woman and her boyfriend |
KVTB 7 (Island Park, Idaho) |
An Idaho homeowner defended his girlfriend from a charging grizzly bear in the driveway of his home according to Idaho Fish and Game (IDFG) reports. An investigation revealed that the man and his girlfriend were unloading their vehicle in the driveway of their home when the grizzly bear charged. The man was in the process of taking his shotgun out of the vehicle when the charge occurred, and he was able to quickly shoot the oncoming bear, which then ran off… Continue reading »
Local grocer stops knife-wielding man who was threatening his father |
NonStop Local KHQ (Spokane, WA) |
A local grocer in Spokane, Wash., took action after his father was threatened by two individuals. According to police, they were called to a shooting incident where one person had been shot and another injured inside of the business. When they arrived, they found one of the owners of a local grocery had fired at two men, one of whom was armed with a “machete-sized knife.”… Police took the grocery owner into custody as they investigated. Surveillance footage from the scene backed up the grocer’s self-defense claims, and he was released after more than eight hours in police custody… Continue reading »
Victim foils attempted robbery at gas station |
Action News 5 (Memphis, TN) |
An armed man defended himself from an armed burglar outside of a gas station in Memphis, Tenn. Surveillance footage showed the victim walking out of the convenience store in southwest Memphis, when a hooded individual sitting in a nearby vehicle got out, brandished a firearm and walked toward the victim as he began to open the driver’s door of his car. The hooded man pointed his gun at the victim and allegedly demanded that the victim hand over his property. The victim backed away from the threatening robber, then slipped his right hand into the pocket of his shorts and quickly drew a small handgun. He then aimed it toward the head of the robber and fired… Continue reading »
Armed citizen ends attempted theft of vehicle with his wife and baby inside |
KICKS 105 (Lufkin, TX) |
A victim told officers that he stopped at his business in Lufkin, Texas around 9 p.m. The victim said that an unknown male entered his running truck with his wife and baby daughter inside. Despite the victim’s warnings and offers of an alternative vehicle, a physical altercation ensued, resulting in the suspect being shot. Despite initial difficulty in identifying the suspect, officers discovered a paper sack at the scene, suggesting a recent jail release. Jail officials informed officers that
the suspect had been released less than an hour prior on charges of assault/family violence causing bodily injury and an active warrant… Continue reading »
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