NRA-ILA Pack-N-Go Windbreaker. In appreciation of your NRA-ILA leadership! Get yours now!

Our freedom is alive today because of you.

Your leadership through NRA-ILA is the reason Hillary Clinton isn't in the White's the reason we have pro-gun majorities in Congress...and it's the reason we now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reclaim and secure our freedom for decades to come.


But as each day goes by, our window of opportunity gets shorter. And right now, you and I have less than four months to push our pro-gun agenda through Congress this year.

We need to fill judicial vacancies with rock-solid, pro-Second Amendment judges. We need to pass National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity and restore our God-given right to self-defense in every corner of America.

And we need to stop violent criminals and terrorists at the border to protect our lives, our communities, and our sovereign nation.


But the fact is, NRA-ILA is not nearly as strong as we need to be right now to fight full-force in these final, critical months of the 2017 legislative cycle.

Our gun-ban opponents are doubling down with more anger, more violent rhetoric, and even more money to spread their lies and attack our allies on Capitol Hill.

Their "resistance" protests are wreaking havoc in cities and towns across America. 
The anti-gun media and Hollywood leftists are inciting the worst kind of hatred against
you, me, and anyone who dares to speak-up in defense of freedom.

Their goal is simple. They want to mock, shame, and ridicule us to the point that we're viewed as second-class the point that our values don't count and our voices are silenced.

I know we can break through their blockade of lies, threats, and intimidation...but only if I can count on NRA-ILA supporters like you to step forward NOW and help lead the charge.


That's why I'm asking you to make a special, and much-needed, contribution to NRA-ILA today of at least $26.

And when you do, I would like to send you a very special gift – our NRA-ILA Pack-N-Go Windbreaker.

This windbreaker is designed to give you years of daily, dependable service. As you can see here, no detail has gone overlooked.

Plus, this windbreaker is proudly embroidered with both the NRA seal and NRA-ILA logo...signifying your invaluable role in our fight for freedom.

So please, help NRA-ILA lead the fight in the critical months ahead and claim your Pack-N-Go Windbreaker today.

And again, thank you for your generous leadership.

Chris W. Cox
Executive Director


National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
11250 Waples Mill Rd • Fairfax, VA. 22030

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