NRA Institute for Legislative Action

This is our best chance to
STOP the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty!

You and I are now sitting on a ticking time bomb threatening to destroy our Second Amendment rights.

I'm talking about the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty - better named the Gun Ban Treaty - which Barack Obama not only signed, but also submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification just 42 days before he left office.

Of course, Obama knew the treaty wouldn't be ratified right away. But he also knew something else: By sending this treaty to the Senate now, any future gun-ban majority in the Senate - whether it be two years or 10 years from today - can move to ratify it in an instant.


And if that happens, gun-ban extremists at the U.N. and here in America will have a clear path to steamroll your Second Amendment rights, our national sovereignty, and our independent right to self-governance.

However, you and I now have a big opportunity to rip this Treaty to shreds and throw it back in the faces of the gun-banners at the U.N. But we must take action TODAY.

That's why I'm asking you to sign this NRA-ILA Petition to the President immediately.

Your signed petition is a powerful and personal request to President Donald Trump...urging him to unsign the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty and put an end to this looming and dangerous threat once and for all.

Make no mistake: The anti-gun extremists behind this Treaty want every gun - every single gun worldwide - to be under U.N. control. That includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation.

The Treaty would establish a permanent international gun control bureaucracy within the U.N. Office for Disarmament Affairs to oversee and influence gun policy in ALL NATIONS.

It opens the doors to restrictions that could forever stop foreign gun manufacturers from selling firearms to U.S. citizens.

It requires the U.S. to provide foreign countries and international gun-ban bureaucrats with the most sensitive, personal information about American gun owners like you.

Worse, it calls for the creation of an international gun registration system, paving the way for the full-blown confiscation of your firearms, just as we've seen happen in other nations around the world.

It couldn't be clearer…the gun-banners at the U.N. don't view law-abiding Americans like you and me any differently than they view Mexican drug lords or ISIS terrorists.


And their ultimate goal is to see every gun you own destroyed and thrown in a giant scrap heap just like we've seen in England, Australia, and around the globe.

We need the President to unsign the Gun Ban Treaty and make it clear to every tyrant, dictator, and bureaucrat at the U.N. that our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is constitutionally guaranteed, sovereign, and non-negotiable. PERIOD!!!

The fact is, President Trump knows firsthand the tremendous impact NRA-ILA leaders like you had in last year's election.

As he said just a few months ago at our Leadership Forum in Atlanta: “You came through for me and I am going to come through for you.”


Now is THE TIME for NRA-ILA supporters like you to sign your Petition, and ask the President to follow through on that promise.

Then, with the stroke of his pen, the President can unsign the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty and make sure this freedom-killing monstrosity NEVER threatens your individual right to own, purchase, and use firearms EVER AGAIN.

And please, after you sign your Petition, I need you to make the most generous contribution you can to NRA-ILA today.

You and I both know the minute President Trump indicates his intention to unsign this treaty, all HELL will break loose.

The global gun-ban media will blanket the airwaves with outright lies about what the treaty does and doesn't do.

Anti-gun extremists at the U.N. will move to punish America.

Gun-hating leaders in Europe will put enormous pressure on the President to “look the other way” and allow this ticking time bomb to sit in the Senate.

This will be a MASSIVE BATTLE and winning will require a big financial commitment from NRA-ILA. That's why I need YOUR HELP today.

There are other organizations that claim to be fighting back against the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty. But only NRA-ILA has been actively leading this fight since day one.

No other organization has monitored every treaty proposal to date and alerted gun owners like you to every new threat. No other organization has attended and monitored dozens of U.N. meetings around the world…representing YOU and fighting for YOUR rights.

And no other organization relies so heavily on the loyal support of members like you.

Our strength - every ounce of it - comes directly from you and your active involvement in every one of our critical petition campaigns.


And our campaigns don't get more critical than this. So please, take just a couple of minutes today to sign your Petition to the President and make the most generous contribution you can to NRA-ILA.

For nearly 20 years, NRA-ILA supporters like you have toiled in the trenches to stop the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty from steamrolling our Bill of Rights.


Thank you for your personal resolve and your unflinching willingness to defend this country and our freedom.

With your signed petition and strong support today, I know we can put an END to the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty and safeguard our Second Amendment freedom.


Chris W. Cox
Executive Director


National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
11250 Waples Mill Rd • Fairfax, VA. 22030

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